Top 5 Common Questions About Mental Health



Mental health is a serious topic that everyone needs to give serious attention to. Take note that the suicide rate for different places around the globe has risen over the past few years. It shows that many people are choosing to end their lives instead of dealing with problems. A recent study shows that a significant increase in the rate of suicide is attributable to problematic mental health. Unfortunately, many individuals are now suffering from different psychological disorders and mental problems.


“Major life transitions can bring up a lot past memories, increase anxiety, disorder eating and body image, and even though it’s “the happiest time of your life”, depression and other mental health symptoms are known to flare up.” Brie Shelly, MS, LMHC, RYT said. Because of this, it is crucial for everyone to help in spreading mental health awareness. People need to know that there is a solution to whatever disorder they are going through. At the same time, they have to understand that there are ways on how they can handle their issues in the right manner. In this article, we are going to provide answers to the common questions concerning mental health. Our primary objective is to help people all over the world; to let individuals know that it is okay to talk or discuss mental health and that the same is encouraged.


Question No. 1: Is Therapy Always Necessary?


“Therapy provides long-lasting benefits and support, giving you the tools you need to avoid triggers, re-direct damaging patterns, and overcome whatever challenges you face.” Chris Corbett, PsyD said. But take note that searching for a therapist is not always mandatory when it comes to mental health issues. While it is highly recommended in several instances, the same cannot be said to minor disorders. However, once you notice that you have been mentally unstable for an extended period and you suspect the presence of the symptoms for depression or other disorders, it is best to start looking for a therapist or a psychiatrist.

(Don’t want to leave home but need to talk to a counselor or a therapist? BetterHelp is here to serve you in the most convenient and affordable way possible. Download the app or visit their social media accounts to get yourself the help that you deserve and need.)




Question No. 2: What Is The Difference Between A Therapist And Psychiatrist?


Many people get confused about the distinctions between the two professionals. It is the reason why a lot of individuals are hesitant to seek professional help because they have no idea where to go. Well, the main difference between a therapist and a psychiatrist is that the latter has a medical degree. As such, he has the right to issue medications for his patients. On the other hand, a therapist specializes in many fields, particularly in the area of treatments and recoveries.


Question No. 3: How Can I Know If I Have A Mental Health Problem?


Keep in mind that there are tons of mental health disorders. Each type has its own set of signs and symptoms. The first thing that you must do is to be educated about the said disorders so that you can get an idea about it. However, it is crucial to be careful in not doing any self-diagnosis. Just because some symptoms are present in your case does not automatically mean that you have a serious case of disorder. For this sole reason, it is best to consult only with a professional. Look for a therapist or psychiatrist who can evaluate your condition and can give you a definite diagnosis of the issue.




Question No. 4: Is There A Way To Improve Mental Health?


There are a lot of things that you can do if you want to improve your mental health. First of all, find time to do the things that you love. Always strive hard to continue doing what you enjoy the most. “Happy people make healthier choices,” explains Scott Glassman, PsyD. Otherwise, you will only find yourself feeling frustrated or depressed. If this continues to happen for a long time, it can develop a mental issue. Second, see to it that you are physically active. When you exercise, the body releases happy hormones that can ultimately improve your mood and outlook in life. Third, be wary of what you eat as it can affect your physical and mental health.


Question No. 5: How Much Do I Need To Pay For Treatments?


As already mentioned, there are various kinds of disorders that any person may suffer from. For this reason, there is no hard and fast rule when it comes to the professional fees charged by a therapist and psychologist. The truth is that their rates depend on the severity of each case that they are handling. At the same time, they also take in a lot of factors when it comes to setting the price. Moreover, you need to recognize the fact that in some cases, medications may be required and that can cause the rate to increase.


Mental health is a serious issue. Make sure to find time to spread awareness.


The Impact Of Social Media On Relationships


In my 40 years of existence, I think I am entitled to the right of comparing life with and without technology. I’ve gone through years without cell phones and only managed to call my parents through the telephone when I finished school, and they had to pick me up. I have tried using a Pocket Bell to send a few sweet lines to my friends and childhood crushes. My family and I didn’t have much to communicate with two decades back, and we thrived – without cell phones, IPads, and social media. But that is to say that technology then was NOT the technology we have now – or it didn’t exist!

“The rise and growing significance of social media has caused an influx of mental health concerns, such as low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. Now is the time to start paying attention to how social media is influencing your life choices and mental health.” That is according to Brie Shelly, MS, LMHC, RYT. Now, social media has undeniably played a vital role in the beginning, keeping, and ending different relationships. I’m not into the dating phase at my age now, but I know from the younger generation that Messenger, Viber, and WhatsApp are some of the common ways to meet, get acquainted, and perhaps start what may be the best love story ever.

If not through these messaging applications, there’s the booming business of online dating websites. You start connecting with someone that matched your list of ‘requirements’ in a guy or girl, and then you start by exchanging messages and getting to know each other on the surface. Finally, when you’re comfortable enough, you set a date to meet. The anxiety of having to date someone that you supposedly don’t know much about is inevitable. However, for guys, this is way much easier than saying ‘can I ask you on a date’ face to face.

Effects Of Online Dating

It varies because luckily, not all online relationships end up a disaster. I have a close friend who was crazy over a guy from Canada, whom he knew from a site called She was telling me how she felt that they were destined to find each other because they were both victims of unhealthy relationships. I told her she couldn’t be sure of that until they’d really meet and spend more time together. And so they did. The guy decided to live in our state for a year, just to see if they were a match – and they were. They’re living happily now – in Canada. All because of an online dating site.

However, not all social media love stories end up happily. Some don’t even progress to video calling, while others end up becoming seriously violent and disastrous. Also, Sam Louie MA, LMHC said, “While someone may not have crossed any physical boundaries with social media flirting, “liking”, and texting with emojis, experts believe it can turn into an emotional affair (i.e. an affair of the heart).”


Whether online relationships succeed or not, the fact is that technology through social media and other digital applications have become part of the new era’s norms. It has affected how relationships are built, improved, and maintained. For men, it might have been their easy way out from the risk of getting rejected to their faces when they attempt to ask a woman out.

Social Media And Self-View

For the insecure and hesitant, it diminishes some social difficulties, like not thinking about how others would think about you when they see you. They get the opportunity to be free from prejudice and judgment. It can help them ‘sell’ themselves and look into their pros. For them, the effect of social media is empowering.

The downside, though, would be that people might be building a false profile of themselves, a somewhat manufactured list from someone who so wants others to like him. Consequently, this doesn’t end well especially if one is misled and has fallen into the trap – and is unable to get out of it easily. She may have fallen for the ‘Internet self’ rather than the ‘real self.’

Overall, most people who deal with social media for establishing romantic, business, family, other significant relationships claim that there is a great deal of anxiety related to getting to know someone electronically. But they are also hopeful about the setup as well. According to them, what’s important is how you will progress to the next step in the real world – when you are face to face.

Technology And Using It To Your Advantage

“Balancing technology use with other aspects of daily life seems reasonable, but there is a lot of conflicting advice about where that balance should be.” Christopher J. Ferguson Ph.D. in clinical psychology explains. Before the age of the Internet, when we break up with someone, and we wanted to forget about them as soon as we possibly can, it was easy. We could tear the love letters, burn the photographs, and eat at a different restaurant. Now, no matter how much we do our own thing, we see our exes and their lives with their families for free on social media.

Currently, developers are trying to improve on their products by attempting to increase privacy and limit opportunities of seeing everyone and anyone. Eternal Sunshine is one of these companies, a program that attempts to delete all memories of an ex digitally. Hopefully, this will be the start of better means to prioritize one’s privacy and freedom of choice.


In the end, if you’re trying to know someone through the social media, remember that real connections are determined when you find the effort to bring it to the next level – off of social media and into the real world, where one can build memories through shared experiences.


Technology Dependence – Is It Mentally Safe?


We know that engaging too much with technology can give us a lot of benefits. It makes us live in a world full of convenience. The utilization of technological pieces of machinery is within our control. Honestly, there’s nothing much to complain about it. But with these too much conveniences and through the unordinary ways we deal with a lot of stuff around us, are we safe around these innovations?

The Advantages And Disadvantages

Technology makes everything move faster, and that is something that all of us humans undoubtedly love about it. Let’s say for technical reasons, we don’t have to spend too much time finishing a project because there are machines that can work triple-ways better than human resources. We don’t have to waste too much energy repeating the same process over and over again because the devices are designed to fulfill that purpose specifically.  Technology lessens the burden of us having to watch over each production we have. However, within these advantages lies a hidden truth about innovation. “There is also little doubt that all of the new technologies, led by the Internet, are shaping the way we think in ways obvious and subtle, deliberate and unintentional, and advantageous and detrimental.” Jim Taylor Ph.D. said.


Since technology is created to serve humankind, it shouldn’t have to take over. Yes, it makes everything easy, but we shouldn’t depend on it too often. The dilemma with a lot of people is that they see technology as something that can make them forget about working, moving, communicating, and socializing. This kind of actions potentially damages not only the physical and emotional aspect of a person but as well as his psychological state.

The Technological Damage

“I believe most of these fear-mongering claims about technology are rubbish. There are several common myths of technology addiction that deserve to be debunked by actual research.” As Christopher J. Ferguson Ph.D. in clinical psychology explains. Loving technology too much can be very devastating. That’s because it hinders us to look after for negative signs. We get blinded by the idea that technology saves us from a day-to-day endeavor. We think that there’s no end on its benefits. It makes us believe that too much utilization is okay as long as we don’t see or feel anything wrong about it. However, according to most research, technology dependence can pose a risk of having brain deficiency. Technology dependence can become too addictive. And as we continue to use it without limitations, we create development issues. It establishes relationship problems that trigger emotional and mental negativity as well. It hinders us from getting physically active and a lot more.


Let’s say we often use our mobile phones. Most of us don’t have limitations as to where we should only use our gadgets. Sometimes, we even bring or put it in places that cause potential bacterial risk. There are also cases that we involved ourselves too much on it that we cause harm and accidents to ourselves. We spend most of the time glazing at our devices not knowing that it can generate a long list of eye problems such as blurred vision, changes in color perception, and even burning sensation. There are also cases that it can lead to brain degradation that causes stress, anxiety, sleep disorders, and depression. “As adults, we have leveraged technology to accomplish amazing things in our lives: we do our work, manage our social lives, consume news and entertainment, even make new purchases for the holidays, all with the push of virtual buttons. Despite being cognitively mature, emotionally resilient and capable of delaying gratification, we struggle to set limits on our own usage.” Jyothsna Bhat, PsyD said.

It’s true that technological advances already improved our lives. But our dependence on it through each passing changes everything. The new page of this innovation impacts our social, physical, mental, and environmental factors.

MATLAB: Its Components And Applications

MATLAB, which actually means matrix laboratory, is considered a fourth-generation language.   It was initially built to provide easy access to matrix system software. It is widely used for programming arithmetic, technical, and scientific computation and deciding on courses of actions.


The common uses of MATLAB include

  • Development of algorithm
  • Simulation
  • Prototyping
  • Data analysis, research, visualization
  • Engineering graphics
  • Application development


MATLAB is designed to be a kind of interactive system.  It handles a batch of the necessary data element without using dimensioning.  With MATLAB, solving technical computing problems is made easy, like those that involve matrix or vector expressions.


MATLAB In Schools

MATLAB is being taught in universities in their introductory and some advanced courses in the area of mathematics, science, and engineering.  It is a software for students to provide them with the same device as that of professional engineers and scientists.  This is a helpful tool for students to have fun in doing their projects, excel in their field, and acquire career skills.  MATLAB mobile allows students to have access of the software from their iPad, iPhone, and even Android devices.  It can also be accessed through their web browser with MATLAB Online.

MATLAB In Business

Business, engineers, and scientists trust the efficacy and ability of MATLAB.   It is very reliable in making research, data analysis, and design process.  MATLAB is widely used in the engineering field and by IT teams as it supports image, sensor, telemetry, video, binary, and real-time presentations.  Its machine learning capability, complete set of statistics, neural networks, system identification, and prebuilt algorithms for financial modeling and control system designs are helpful in assisting people in the fields of finance.



Toolboxes is a group of application-specific solutions.  It is professionally developed for MATLAB users.  It allows them to learn and make use of specialized technology.  Toolboxes consist a collection of MATLAB functions or M-files that could enhance your MATLAB experience.  It will enable you to solve particular types of problems.  They are available in signal processing, neural network, control systems, wavelets, fuzzy logic, simulation, and more.


Main Parts Of MATLAB System

MATLAB Language

A multitude or array of programming languages that have control flow statements, data structures, function, input and output, and object-oriented programming features.  You can do a little programming for you to create quick programs rapidly.  It is also applicable for substantial programming for you to create a complex application program.


Working Environment

The working environment consists of an assembly of tools and facilities which you can work with when you are a MATLAB user or programmer.  The facilities include handling variables in your workspace.  It enables the user to import and export data.  The tools will allow you to manage, develop, debug, and profile M-files.


Handle Graphics

This is the software’s graphics system which consists of important commands used for data visualization of two and three dimensions, animation, image processing, and graphic presentation.  It also has some low-level commands to enable you to customize the looks of your graphics.  You can also create a full Graphical User Interfaces with your MATLAB application.


Mathematical Function Library

This consists of an extensive collection of computational algorithms.  It includes the basic functions like summation, sine, cosine, and complicated calculation.  It also comprises sophisticated tasks from matrix eigenvalues (linear system of equations), matrix inverse to Bessel functions (cylinder function), and fast Fourier transforms.

Application Program Interface (API)

This is useful when you are to make C and Fortran programs that interrelate with MATLAB.  It has the ability to call routines for MATLAB as dynamic linking, working with MATLAB as a computational engine, and if you are to read and/or write MAT-files.


MATLAB has made math life easy for students especially when answering their calculus homework.  Business, engineering, and other professional environments utilize its capabilities to use signal processing techniques to explore and analyze data.   MATLAB is very useful in enhancing their portfolio and go on with their business better than usual.



What is MATLAB?  Retrieved from

7 Must-Have Gadgets To Improve Your Work Productivity 

In this fast-paced world, many people would complain that 24 hours is not enough. It can be more difficult to accomplish tasks efficiently. People would often be burned out to finish the endless paper works and reach their respective deadlines. Thankfully, we are now at a technologically advanced era. Going digital is becoming highly essential.  



  Continue reading “7 Must-Have Gadgets To Improve Your Work Productivity “

The Biggest Technology Flops And Letdowns Of The Past Decade

Undoubtedly, technology continues to grow as time goes on. This growth often leads to development in human life. Cars are now faster and more durable. Phones, watches and even homes are now “smart” and able to adapt to and predict our needs. Voice control allows ease of access for the differently-abled. 



  Continue reading “The Biggest Technology Flops And Letdowns Of The Past Decade”