Mental Health At Work: Things To Remember

A recent study shows that the common cause of stress for many people has something to do with their working conditions – it can be because of the work environment or their colleagues. This fact or truth does not come as a surprise, especially for someone like you who has experienced some issues at work. It can be hard to try to balance your desire to succeed in your career while trying to make an effort to improve your mental health. The reality is that there are times when your work may demand too much from you to the point that you forget to prioritize yourself or even share quality time with your family members.




“If you find yourself avoiding parties, work gatherings, or even your own friends and family, there may be a fear of judgment or underlying feelings of inadequacy.”  Dr. Marisa Alter, PsyD, a clinical psychologist, explains. In this article, we are going to provide you with some tips and tricks on how to survive the different problems that you may encounter in your workplace. Before anything else, it is essential for you to understand the reality that you have what it takes to take control of whatever happens in your life. You need to understand this so that it will be easier for you to control your thoughts and actions as you continue to go to work every day and deal with different people. Here are the practical things to keep in mind:


Assess Your Current Work Situation


The initial step that you have to do is to look at your current work status. Do you love what you do? Are you happy whenever your boss gives you a task? Do you feel great when a colleague recognizes your excellent outputs or reports? If you answer yes to all these inquiries, then consider it as a good indication that you have a wonderful job. There may be instances when you would feel stress or anxiety, but they are only normal. With a proper mindset, you can eventually get over them.


Do Not Be Afraid To Quit


On the other hand, if you believe that your work is taking a toll on your life, then maybe it is time to give up. Do not stick with a job that you dislike or one that makes you unhappy just because you are afraid that it will ruin your future. At this point, it is vital to emphasize that your mental health is superior above all else. Never put yourself in a sad, compromising situation where you are always stressed or anxious. Failure to do this can lead to some disorders, such as depression.




Avoid Toxic People


If you want to experience and have peace of mind, be sure to keep yourself away from toxic people. These are the individuals who keep on comparing themselves to you. At the same time, they are the ones who continue to talk behind your workmates’ backs. Keep in mind that the mere fact that they do it to others means that there is a possibility that they will also do it to you. Take note that their toxicity may affect you in so many ways. They can also influence your mood or attitude, which is why you need to be separate from them so that you can still be happy. “When trying to keep a positive attitude, you must avoid people who thrive on negativity,” says Fran Walfish, PsyD.


Take A Break


One of the crucial things that you must never forget is the importance of taking a mental health day every now and then. Whenever you feel that you are under a lot of stress and pressure, then be sure to take a vacation away from work. Go to a nearby town or travel to a different country. Do whatever it takes to make yourself feel good again. Traveling to new places may be costly, but you will be surprised by how amazing it can get. Every trip provides you with an opportunity to start a new and be happier. Note that“ Vacations are coping mechanisms that help us adapt to the everyday stresses in our lives.” John Mayer, PhD said






Work is not supposed to weigh you down but instead uplift your soul or spirit. Make sure to think of your welfare instead of the work opportunities that come your way. No amount of money is enough to allow yourself to have a problem with your mental health. Once you realize that your poor working conditions will never change in the future, then do not be afraid to quit. Look for another job – one that will not make you feel anxious or stressed.

But if you can cope, cope like this: therapy in your own room at a very affordable price. BetterHelp is an app that gives access to therapy and counseling at the tip of your fingers. Go on, try it out, and get better help.


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