We know that engaging too much with technology can give us a lot of benefits. It makes us live in a world full of convenience. The utilization of technological pieces of machinery is within our control. Honestly, there’s nothing much to complain about it. But with these too much conveniences and through the unordinary ways we deal with a lot of stuff around us, are we safe around these innovations?
The Advantages And Disadvantages
Technology makes everything move faster, and that is something that all of us humans undoubtedly love about it. Let’s say for technical reasons, we don’t have to spend too much time finishing a project because there are machines that can work triple-ways better than human resources. We don’t have to waste too much energy repeating the same process over and over again because the devices are designed to fulfill that purpose specifically. Technology lessens the burden of us having to watch over each production we have. However, within these advantages lies a hidden truth about innovation. “There is also little doubt that all of the new technologies, led by the Internet, are shaping the way we think in ways obvious and subtle, deliberate and unintentional, and advantageous and detrimental.” Jim Taylor Ph.D. said.
Since technology is created to serve humankind, it shouldn’t have to take over. Yes, it makes everything easy, but we shouldn’t depend on it too often. The dilemma with a lot of people is that they see technology as something that can make them forget about working, moving, communicating, and socializing. This kind of actions potentially damages not only the physical and emotional aspect of a person but as well as his psychological state.
The Technological Damage
“I believe most of these fear-mongering claims about technology are rubbish. There are several common myths of technology addiction that deserve to be debunked by actual research.” As Christopher J. Ferguson Ph.D. in clinical psychology explains. Loving technology too much can be very devastating. That’s because it hinders us to look after for negative signs. We get blinded by the idea that technology saves us from a day-to-day endeavor. We think that there’s no end on its benefits. It makes us believe that too much utilization is okay as long as we don’t see or feel anything wrong about it. However, according to most research, technology dependence can pose a risk of having brain deficiency. Technology dependence can become too addictive. And as we continue to use it without limitations, we create development issues. It establishes relationship problems that trigger emotional and mental negativity as well. It hinders us from getting physically active and a lot more.
Let’s say we often use our mobile phones. Most of us don’t have limitations as to where we should only use our gadgets. Sometimes, we even bring or put it in places that cause potential bacterial risk. There are also cases that we involved ourselves too much on it that we cause harm and accidents to ourselves. We spend most of the time glazing at our devices not knowing that it can generate a long list of eye problems such as blurred vision, changes in color perception, and even burning sensation. There are also cases that it can lead to brain degradation that causes stress, anxiety, sleep disorders, and depression. “As adults, we have leveraged technology to accomplish amazing things in our lives: we do our work, manage our social lives, consume news and entertainment, even make new purchases for the holidays, all with the push of virtual buttons. Despite being cognitively mature, emotionally resilient and capable of delaying gratification, we struggle to set limits on our own usage.” Jyothsna Bhat, PsyD said.
It’s true that technological advances already improved our lives. But our dependence on it through each passing changes everything. The new page of this innovation impacts our social, physical, mental, and environmental factors.